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Найдено 5 тем с этим ключевым словом
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Mini-garden is a fairly new hobby of our compatriots. I think that Japanese bonsai art and rock gardens became a prerequisite for creating such compositions. After all, they were the first to think of planting a tree in a tiny flower pot! In this article, I will not write methods and rules for ...
Another interesting topic, offered by Livemaster, inspired me to come up with an unusual cactus. This was possible because I had an original stencil, which I purchased here on Livemaster. It reminds of prickles of the cactus :) So, you will need: 1) polymer clay (in fact, any you want); 2) cutters; ...
In modern fashion cacti motifs have become popular, now the images of cacti can be found absolutely everywhere: on clothes, shoes, accessories, jewellery, interior items and so on. "Cactus" trend began to gain momentum before the long-awaited holidays. Some cacti appeared on swimsuits and ...
Astrofitum, Mammillaria, Pereskia, Saguaro, Espostoa, Browningia, Coryphantha… Only unaware (such as I am) people feel confused and bewildered, hearing such "incomprehensible" words. For lovers of flowering plants, they are like a balm for the soul, because all of the above are ...
A miniature garden is a fairly new hobby. I think its ancestors are Japanese bonsai art and rock gardens. After all, the idea is to plant tiny trees in tiny flower pots. I will not write the methods and rules of creating mini gardens, I only know that you should choose slow growing plants, moss, ...

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