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Найдено 4 тем с этим ключевым словом
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The task of advertising photography is to attract attention of potential buyers and cause certain emotions. Audience`s reaction can be controlled if you plan ahead. Come up with an Image When planning your photo shoot, ask yourself a question — what do you associate your product with? Write down all ...
22.07.2019 10:25  |  
  I want to share my experience and tips on how to dry flowers :)   Tip № 1 DRYING FLOWERS IN A BOOK (OR UNDER PRESSURE) BOOK is a simple and common way to dry plants, moreover, it is the most successful one! Before drying flowers make sure that they are dry, otherwise ...
You can wear such an accessory as a brooch in many ways. Today I will tell you how to do it not to look old-fashioned. The most important rule is to wear a brooch with a proud expression of the English Queen! Only then it will look great with any outfit. A brooch in the form of a flower will make ...
A selection of 6 sewing tricks that will make the process of creativity even more enjoyable. 1. Can't get a straight line? Glue a strip of colored tape of the width you need along the foot. When sewing, make sure that the edge of the fabric goes along the glued strip and the stitch will be ...

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