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15.02.2019 18:27  |  
Taxco is a "silver capital" of Mexico. While Europe admired Lalique and Faberge, the life of a small town went on as usual. Such isolation helped to preserve and develop the identity of jewellery. What distinguishes Mexican jewellery? Most popular stones in this jewellery are: onyx, ...
14.06.2018 15:40  |  
Tenango is a monochrome canvas embroidery of Otomi Indians from the Mexican state of Hidalgo. It is a hallmark of the entire country. The technology originated in the 60-ies of the last century when the region was hit by a terrible drought that destroyed much of the harvest. Caught in a deep ...
During state and religious holidays, Mexican streets are decorated with garlands made out of unusual openwork flags. They are called Papel Picado. This art known all over the world took its features in Mexico, too. The history of this tradition is not very long. It's about a hundred years. But ...
I love taking in all the intricacies and details of folk ornaments. So I decided to learn all about Mexican patterns using an example of a box. So, here you go! You need the following tools: 1. The box, I chose pine wood. 2. SONET black acrylic primer. The prime is more opaque than acrylic paint, so ...

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