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I was deeply touched by the story of a squirrel who could have died, but survived, found a family and became famous. Meet Tommy Tucker, the first squirrel model.He could have remained a normal squirrel, but there was a tragedy in his life: his mother died when he was just a baby. Fortunately, he was ...
To be successful, artists must cover a lot of processes!It is clear that there may not be enough time for everything. You can delegate something, but sometimes you can't! The stage of creating photos is very important. In some cases, simple high-quality photos "for the catalog" ...
Alexi Lubomirski is one of the most famous British fashion photographers, he specializes mainly in portrait photography. He became famous largely thanks to the work for covers of the American magazine Harper's Bazaar. At the age of 11, Alexis received his first camera as a gift. But the real ...

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