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Найдено 5 тем с этим ключевым словом
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When I was at school and lived with my parents, they broke the wall between a bathroom and a tiny toilet and made one big bright room with a window. They put light tile on the floor, a corner acrylic bathroom, removed all unnecessary things. Even though the walls were cheap plastic panels, still the ...
24.01.2019 15:09  |  
Today I am going to make cups to place them in my bathroom. After the flat renovation, I had many glass-inlay leftouts and decided to use them to make something. To do it, you`ll need the following: 1) glass-inlay; 2) glasses; 3) plastic lids; 4) knife; 5) masking tape; 6) grout; 7) tape; 8) ...
Looking at images of beautiful bathrooms in magazines and blogs, you've probably thought about how could this be implemented in a particular interior. After all, in photos, we usually see beautiful buckets, bottles and towels — it is always stylized, where all the parts match together, look ...
This happens to everyone: more and more things appear, and it's getting problematic to store them. I love buying books, but recently they began to spread all over window sills and tables because the bookcase had exhausted its resources. I would not want to sacrifice a whole wall for books, so I ...
Materials: - seashells and stones; - peg blank; - glue; - acrylic paints; - texture paste; - sponge; - acrylic lacquer; - hook. Prime and grind the blank. Then lay out a composition of stones and shells.   Make a draft of waves and mark a place for the hook. Glue the stones and seashells. You’ll ...

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