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Easter eggs

Найдено 12 тем с этим ключевым словом
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In this tutorial we will show you how to make an Easter handmade wreath. You will need a base of branches (we used a base of birch branches), three foam eggs, leaves, stamens, cotton lace, linen twine, sisal fiber, paints (we used tempera), cotton yarn (thin), brushes and a needle for sewing. ...
The glorious holiday of Easter is coming soon. We can all paint eggs, bake cakes, decorate festive tables to make our homes bright, elegant and joyful. I want to bring to your attention a very simple and quick DIY project on making a stand for eggs. You need: standard box for eggs felt with a ...
All have very little time to get ready for Easter. Each housewife tries to do her best: cleans, washes, plans decor and festive menu. I have an idea how to decorate your home quickly — a unique Easter wreath. You need. base for the wreath (ready) dried flowers (at least one) raffia or sisal ...
28.03.2017 12:09  |  
Easter is comming, and you can already think about Easter decor. I love decorating my house for this holiday. Collect porcelain eggs and rabbits. And recently I wondered if I could accomplish my collection with needlework. So I sewed some bright fleece eggs. Want, too? Then begin. Moreover, it is ...
Any gift needs a packaging. I think that any of your loved ones will be pleased to receive your gift for Easter in a lovely bag. You need: 1. Fabric (cotton, linen is at your discretion) — I have a flax bag and cotton for the edging top. 2. Floss for embroidery. 3. Hoop. 4. Needle, sewing ...
Offer to sew such cute Easter gifts :) They can decorate a festive cake and the interior. Such chickens live at my home all year round in vases. Start? You need: - felt with pattern and plain felt - threads - needles - pins - scissors - patterns (I draw by hand) - holofayber - sushi ...
I offer to decorate festive eggs or make a great gift for relatives or friends.         You need: * egg blanks (wooden or foam) * peat pots * jute twine * hot glue * PVA glue * florist felt  * florist oasis  * sisal * BBQ sticks * tape * decorative felt * threads * ribbons * beads ...
Painted eggs are a traditional gift on Easter, a symbol of the holiday and spring revival. I offer to your attention the result of a little research and experiment with natural dyes - an article on dyeing Easter eggs using natural products. You need Large water container (for checking the ...
13.02.2017 19:40  |  
Spring, warm days, birds singing, smiles, good mood and of course the eve of the Easter holiday - all this has inspired me to create this DIY :) You need: - cotton fabric of mixed colours (pastel shades)- hollofayber filler- embroidery floss for noses- acrylic paint for fabric and a pick for ...
We played hide-and-seek: - me - my seven-year-old daughter Kitty - a piece of fabric - and wadding - thread - and egg We didn't play long (10 minutes), but it was a great fun! Kitty here suggests that one could take a paper napkin instead of a piece of fabric. So, start playing! One, ...
On the eve of Easter I wanted to share a traditional method of dyeing Easter eggs in onion peel broth with a preliminary pattern applying using an insulation tape (polyvinylchloride tape). 1. You need the following: - eggs - insulation tape - blade - scissors - notepad for sketches - ball ...
Hello! I have long wanted to make this tutorial the idea for which I borrowed from my sister. There is much time until the end of the Lent, so you can have time to decorate a couple of eggs. You need: 1. Foam eggs of different size - I like large ones. 2.Scheme of embroidery, better of the size ...

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