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Найдено 8 тем с этим ключевым словом
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Chinese craftswoman Yinyue Duzii creates toys made of felt and textiles. The most popular of her works were people-fly agarics: dressed up in strict old costumes, these characters with a mushroom hat instead of a head do not leave the audience indifferent. The needlewoman has many fans around the ...
Do you remember how in the old tales the heroes met forest witches, who mastered mushrooms, berries and wisdom? I always wanted to meet such a goblin, so that he amused me with his riddle and pointed out the right way. It is this bright memory of childhood inspired me to create a "forest" ...
Anyway, the most mysterious day of the year is right around the corner. It is not particularly important what you think about the modern celebration of Halloween. The main thing is that the end of October is always an important transitional period, when our ancestors especially strongly believed in ...
The Chinese craftswoman Yinyue Duzii makes toys of felt and textile. Her most popular works are Amanitas people: they are dressed in simple traditional costumes, these characters with a mushroom hat instead of a head do not leave the audience indifferent. The craftswoman has a lot of fans around the ...
25-year-old British needlewoman Pippa Haynes, the creator of the Lemon Pepper Studio, has taken up in embroidery recently, in summer 2017 after spending her holidays in California. Pippa used to work as a florist designer. She says that moving from the large-scale marketing into a tiny world of ...
Perhaps, it's not the season for mushrooms now, but I want to share the experience of printing them. Every time I see rosewood stamps, I want to trasnfer my own sketches into wood because it takes time to get them from warm India and the number of ideas I have loose their charm.So I started ...
I represent to your attention a tutorial on creating miniature jars with mushrooms, when anyone can create a real piece of wood enclosed in a glass vessel. You need: FIMO Effect 8020-04 polymer clay (glowing in the dark with a fluorescent green) glass jar with cork, 37 x 16 mm modeling stick with a ...
There is usually a special cover paper in chocolate boxes that you just feel pity to throw away. So an idea came to my mind: to use this material for children's craft of contrast appliques. The idea is that the basic piece and the details are cut out of different colours. The simplest one ...

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