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Traditional doll

Найдено 4 тем с этим ключевым словом
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I offer a tutorial for making a doll solving the "Love" problem. The materials needed: natural fabrics; wool cotton; floss; a stick; strong thread for tightening; lace; seed beads; scissors; a needle; thread for hair. Initially, when I receive an order or there is a need to create a ...
I want to bring to your attention a ten-handed helper doll. A ten-handed halper helps with housework. This doll has many hands, the work goes with a swing. That is an amulet doll, so before making it, tune in to something really good, come back to your feminine nature — pг all worries aside, relax ...
A doll on a spoon is a toy doll. It was done in haste to let mothers do thier housework. This is a girl doll. It is called a doll on the spoon as a wooden spoon serves the base. You need - spoon - 3 natural pieces of cloth - lace (optional) - ribbon   Wrap a spoon in a cloth (or sheet ...
Ryabinka (rowan tree) is one of the most beloved folk dolls. She captivates with her femininity, sincerity and some invisible force. Much is said about the meaning and denotation of this doll, but each needlewoman makes it unique, different from others, and it's great! Because there are no ...

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