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Talented artist Isobelle Ouzman lives and works in Seattle. She creates amazing multi-layered compositions from old discarded books. Isobelle Ouzman loves books and will never cut out any valuable book. Every book she altered was found in a Seattle junkyard, a dumpster, a thrift store, or simply ...
Painting art that improves life quality. What can a sheet of paper or a piece of fabric with a layer of paint change? After all, in fact, a painting is just paint and foundation under it, but how many feelings and emotions painting evokes in a person. Let's look at this issue from different ...
Spring is in the city! It is still frosty, but drip-drop is furious and birds are crazy in the sun, twittering differently. I want to smile just like that, about nothing. Here is the article just like that, for you to smile. Brian Kesinger is an American illustrator. He has worked in Walt Disney ...
The other day I watched a very interesting film "The Danish Girl". It's about the first transgender and his wife. I really liked this movie and I started to search the details. So, his wife was Gerda Wegener. She was an artist, a graphic artist. She was born in the Danish province ( ...
I want to draw your attention to a bright and wonderful world of children's illustration. I love those artists who create their artworks with real paints because I think digital art can't share the warmth kids usually need. Many pictures below have long ago become a part of my family ...

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