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Найдено 8 тем с этим ключевым словом
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Since the time when "country" and "European village" fashion swept through the world and various jars, pots, all cooking utensils with sprigs of lavender, olive, rosemary, etc. were in sale, I fell in love (I am sure I was not alone) with this style in interior and clothing. ...
I have wanted to share ideas about the alteration of clothes for a long time. You must agree, it's great when you can take a lot of old rubbish, boring and simply out of fashion garments and turn them into a fashionable and stylish wardrobe. The Internet has a lot of ideas on this topic, there ...
You need: Dense chipboard - 2 sheets of A4 size Cotton fabric, 2 pieces 25x35 cm and a piece of cloth for curtains. Polyester 2 cuts of A4 size Felt Lace about 0.5 m Buttons, satin ribbon, thin lace Thick scrapbook paper + 1 sheet of cardboard White and brown embroidery floss and a needle 2 metal ...
The concept of the country interior design came into use in the 1920-1930-s when the style of a grandmother's house was on top. Country style quickly became popular in many countries and has developed much by the 50-60s in Europe, England and America. The main features are comfort, naturalness ...
The idea came from origami, and many people interested in patchwork use it in their work. I will tell how to make this out of a round blank of an equilateral hexagon. Cut out a circle. Mine had a diameter of 12 inches. Now  find the center. This circle is folded in half, smoothed and ironed in ...
28.02.2017 15:06  |  
  I invite you to my tutorial on weaving simple baskets. Materials and Tools - paper twine - thick cardboard - Kraft paper - can - glue stick - double sided tape - scissors - pins - lace - piece of fabric - mesauring tape - pencil - stripes Outline the bottom of the can and cut ...
I love old things - they have something in them, some incomparable charm. But very often, these things come to us in a very shabby condition. I inherited an old wardrobe from my grandfather. Quite large - more than a meter width, made entirely of natural wood and veneer. Of the special, red-orange ...
    I invite you to follow my tutorial on twisting a simple basket. You won't need more materials then patience and desire :) So, materials: - paper twine - thick cardboard - craft paper - jar as a shape - glue stick - double sided tape - scissors - pins - lace - piece of fabric ...

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