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Easter souvenir

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Easter is one of those wonderful holidays when the atmosphere of joy, kindness, and love reigns in the house... With special inspiration, we bake fragrant cakes, pies, paint eggs, and decorate our house. To give an atmosphere of celebration and comfort will help crafts from ... egg trays! It is not ...
I present to your attention a small master class "Easter chickens". I had absolutely no plans to do anything for Easter, but my family asked me to make two chickens for my godson. While I was making them, I remembered my childhood and how I used to play with live chickens at my grandmother ...
13.03.2020 16:08  |  
On the eve of Easter, everyone is stocking up on eggs, and my youngest daughter and I have come up with a way to make angels out of egg packaging. So, here's what you'll need: Egg packaging (we had one with rounded sides). Wooden beads (better with a hole, we had without it, but we ...
My daughter and I love to prepare for holidays in advance... We like to decorate the house, make a menu, invite guests, make small gifts to our beloved ones. Now, I am preparing with my daughter for Easter, we have collected so many interesting ideas on the Internet  that I have decided to ...
Easter — the oldest and most important Christian holiday — the Resurrection of Christ, the Bright Resurrection of Christ (quote from Wikipedia). Even if you are not religious (like me), it is unlikely that this event goes unnoticed — Easter cakes and painted eggs are sold ...
Treat yourself with a great summer practice of modeling with clay and get pleasant souvenirs :)   What you need for one stand: - 200 g red clay (terracotta), - a sculptural stack, rubber and toothed spatula, scalpel, - white and yellow food glaze, - potter's wheel and a kiln.   The first thing ...
I want to share with you the ideas of decorating a house and table for Easter. There are many diverse tips, but I have tried to select the best and simplest of them. Me and my family have already tried some. Our most favourite are an Easter tree and a curd Easter cake (paskha) in the shape of a ...
To decorate your house for Easter and make it spring, bright and warm, I bring to your attention a DIY on felting a cute Easter couple of Bunnies.  These two are 12 cm height. I hope they will adorn your house and create a festive spring mood. You need: 1. Wool of different colors (white and brown ...
The glorious Easter is comming, and each family has its secrets and ways of decorating Easter table. I suggest you sewing an Easter Bunny that would serve a nice table decor. I used the following materials and tools: 1. Cotton fabric for the body.2. Threads to match the fabric.3. Embroidery floss ...
28.03.2017 12:09  |  
Easter is comming, and you can already think about Easter decor. I love decorating my house for this holiday. Collect porcelain eggs and rabbits. And recently I wondered if I could accomplish my collection with needlework. So I sewed some bright fleece eggs. Want, too? Then begin. Moreover, it is ...
Hello! Easter is comming, so today I will show you how you can sculpt such cute earrings for the holiday. Wish you all creative success! You need:1. Clay: white, green, pink, blue and black. I use Fimo - you need to bake it for 10 minutes at a temperature of 110 C.2. Scalpel.3. Toothpick.4. ...
I wanted to share an idea of making Easter cookies or gingerbread. You need: - cookie or ginger dough - white and pink icing - confectionary or textile bag - markers - ribbon   1. Insert stick in a cookie or gingerbread and bake it in the oven at 180 degrees. Get 'tanned' blanks. ...

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