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When shipping my items, I always take care of the packing density. Finally, I started making packings on my own and want to share the secret with you :) You need: cardboard 3 mm thick (no thinner); pencil and ruler; stationery knife; super glue; PVA glue; burlap. The exact dimensions do not cite, ...
It's time to get ready for summer heat and humidity. For me, temperature over 30 is a sheer torture. So I never leave a fan. I remembered that in China and Japan ordinary paper fans are highly popular as in the photo below: So I quickly made a fan and share  this DIY with you! You need: 1. Two ...
19.04.2017 13:02  |  
I know I have a lot of friends among needlewomen who always sew on buttons in a single puncture. The disadvantage of this method is wasteful use of threads. There's a quick and easy way out.So, put 4 threads together, needle them.  You can take a wide eye needle. ... together it's already ...
I want to share the idea, maybe you'll appreciate it. You need paper base, any acrylic paint semi-circular cutter sponge a small piece of plywood or wood a good mood, a cup of your favourite tea and imagination! 1. Prepare the background. We love old yellow pages, so smudge it all with beige ...
All work took me about an hour. Very quickly and easily! I made it for myself, so I did not much bother on decor and details. Let's get started! MATERIALS: 1. Useless box (I used from under a shampoo). 2. Decorative cardboard. 3. Beer cardboard 1-1. 5 mm (I used white to paint it). 4. ...
My tutorial is for those who are just starting pachwork excercises, and I want you not to make the mistakes I did. When I started to sew the first quilt of simple blocks, I carefully cut out each element, laid out on the floor, selecting colours, and then carefully sewed. Don't do that. Youll ...
You can make a background of a white A1 paper. A1 paper is one of the simplest and most affordable options for a background. It is sold in any bookstore or stationery and is inexpensive. It's dense, big and overall good white background for a photo. By the way, you can take any colour. In ...

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