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24.12.2019 17:15  |  
Today's topic is wintery, snowy, cold, but I promise the sun!  Tooling 1. Zac-zac wire cutters.2. Breaker.3. Glass cutter.4. "Crystal Moment" Glue, transparent for glass.5. Spectrum COE 96 glass.6. Ruler.7. Curve.8. Furnace for fusing. Take a sheet of paper, draw a circle ...
Have you ever wondered why it is so nice to make Christmas decorations? After all, we make them with some special mood and enthusiasm. The anticipation of New Year is the anticipation of winter magic and the time when everyone believes in miracles regardless of age. And it is so nice to feel like ...
I continue to share with you my Christmas crafts. In this tutorial I will show you how to make a Christmas tree ornament. We still have time to make a Christmas toy and hang it on a tree. We will create a simple snowflake out of felt. The edges of felt do not crumble and are very easy to work with. ...
Here is a tutorial about how to create an endless card for New Year. It is endless because it can be endlessly opened, well, until you get bored :) The design can be any, I didn't photograph the step by step process of decorating, because it is an individual choice. And the basis, the card ...
I think winter is the perfect time for doing needlework. Cozy up in your favorite chair, wrap in a blanket, turn on the show in the background and embroider, embroider!.. Moreover, it is important to have time for preparing gifts for your family and friends. So these two activities can (and should) ...
Preparations for the New Year holidays are exciting and joyful. In an attempt to choose light and delicate decorations for my green beauty, I thought about the possibility of making wire snowflakes, and now I will share them with you! :) For the work we will need the following tools: round-nose ...
Paper snowflakes will be a wonderful addition to Christmas decor, and will also help to spend fun and interesting time with children. We offer a very simple DIY on handmade Christmas paper snowflakes for children. It is so simple in design that even the smallest kids from kindergarten can do that. ...
My friends, the New Year hassle will start soon — it is just around the corner! I want to introduce you my DIY on making snowflakes from packaging materials. It is the thin transparent plastic that is often used in packing toys, cosmetics, equipment and so on. It is a very low-budget decor, but it ...
I want to show you how to decorate small but nice and functional gifts for family, friends and colleagues in the dot painting technique.  Get: - a massage comb, - black acrylic paint  - acrylic contours - pearls imitation paint - primer for smooth surfaces - acrylic varnish - ordinary ruler, ruler ...
You need: - soap base, white and transparent - snowflake mold - mold for cutting - pigment, perfume, glitter - substance to improve the transparency of the base - alcohol - cappuccinatorу or egg whisk First, make 4 snowflakes: the first layer is thin and white, the second — transparent, don't ...

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