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Найдено 8 тем с этим ключевым словом
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I offer you my version of decoration for a barrette with a clasp. 1. Preparing the base for the barrette. I make it from 2 cardboard parts. You need a thick, dense cardboard which does not break. Binder cardboard or leather board will be good. The upper part should be a little larger to hide the ...
If you love working with leather as I do, you'll like the DIY, too. You need: cream plastic jar dense foam or a thick foamed polyethylene velour, velvet soft leather PVA glue 1-2. Insert foam in the jar and make cuts at the lines each 2 cm.   3. Cut out a velvet rectangle 2 times larger then ...
As soon as I decided to sell my jewelry, a question arose, how and where to take photos of my earrings. I decided to make a n eco background on my own.  You need: 1. Moss. 2. A houseplant. 3. Activated charcoal. 4. Wood chips. 5. Soil. 6. Spatula. 7. Pot. 8. Water. Let's get started. Take the ...
It's no secret that all is judged by appearance! Therefore, we are often faced with the problem "how to wrap a gift to make it perfect". And one's struck by a block here... So I decided to share with you my collection of different exciting and simple ideas of packages. Thanks to ...
In this tutorial I would like to tell you how I use beautiful jars for decorative purposes. Take - fabric - and decorative elements (I used a twine): Draw out the bottom of the jar on thick cardboard and cut it out: Glue the cut circle to the bottom (my jar has a small hollow on the bottom, ...
I want to share the idea, maybe you'll appreciate it. You need paper base, any acrylic paint semi-circular cutter sponge a small piece of plywood or wood a good mood, a cup of your favourite tea and imagination! 1. Prepare the background. We love old yellow pages, so smudge it all with beige ...
Today I will tell you how to make this delicate card. The main thing is to share love! Materials and tools: 1) pastel paper of high-density for the base;2) scrapbook paper, cut-outs and not really dense sheet of pastel paper;3) paper napkin;4) electric distresser; 5) sewing machine; 6) ink ...
Spring is comming, and immediately I wanted to somehow "bring" it in the interior, so after a little thought, I decided to make a spring wreath used as decoration for Easter, or simply enjoy it all spring at home.  Materials and tools: - branches of trees (willow — they are soft and ...
do , mk , easter , decor , spring

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