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Author's doll

Найдено 5 тем с этим ключевым словом
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Today, artistic pecularity of a designer doll is associated with many factors: traditional ideas about the doll and the desire of an artists to go beyond these ideas, features of the technology of creation, a combination of different composition solutions (one-figure, multi-figure and story ...
Having thrown a net into the bottomless depths of the Internet, I found an incredible pearl — porcelain dolls by Alexandra Koukinova. This woman is an Artist, starting with a capital letter, and her works, forgive for being pompous, are masterpieces! Her dolls are amazing, graceful, mysterious and ...
Not long ago I discovered the work of Dorote Zaukaite! I've always been fascinated by hinged creatures, and it is impposible not to fall in love with Dorote's dolls. These elongated neck, head with complex hair, and large, brooding eyes like a doll is far in its thoughts, not here ...
Nowadays, it is extremely difficult to trace the heritage of one particular culture in the world culture, but the Celtic culture is exceptional. Their culture is incredibly rich in magical legends and stories that have been passed down from mouth to mouth for centuries. The Irish heritage has become ...
How to clean a textile doll? How to wash it? Is it iportant to take care about it? These are the most popular questions my customers ask when they buy a doll. Of course, my answer is to take care, not to wet, not to wash. But I have decided to collect detailed recommendations in this very article. ...

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