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The wreath on the door

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11.12.2018 11:23  |  
Cut the base of corrugated cardboard. Use twine to attach a layer of crumpled paper, then a layer of sisal. Use strong green nylon thread to wrap a garland of artificial fir twigs to the base of the wreath. Prepare sprigs of noble fir and juniper. Attach the prepared twigs to our wreath. ...
In the run-up to Christmas holidays we decorate our home. How can you beautifully decorate a flat or a house? There are many options, but one of the simplest Christmas decorations is a beautiful simple holiday wreath. Christmas wreaths are an interesting and versatile element of decor. It can be ...
A Christmas wreath has become a traditional decoration for New Year and Christmas. You needn't buy it at the store. Create a Christmas wreath with your own hands!      Materials and tools: Cardboard. Masking tape. Paper. Half linen. Jute rope. Decorative elements (artificial branches, twigs, ...
All have very little time to get ready for Easter. Each housewife tries to do her best: cleans, washes, plans decor and festive menu. I have an idea how to decorate your home quickly — a unique Easter wreath. You need. base for the wreath (ready) dried flowers (at least one) raffia or sisal ...

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