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Antique furniture

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The city of La Rochelle on the Atlantic ocean attracts tourists not only from all over France, but also from other countries.  From Orleans, you can get to La Rochelle really quickly, it takes just 3 hours on the highway. Lately I've been there quite rarely due to much work. But ...
I have been to Paris quite often lately, almost every week, it is directly related to my work. So, I'm always where a lot of rare and very beautiful antiques are sold. Sometimes it seems to me that I am in a museum, I see such beautiful things, and the prices let you only to admire. It ...
The first time I decided to share my experience of old furniture restoration. I have accidentally got four items of old furniture in poor condition: a desk, dresser, wall clock and trunk of two grannies, sisters, who came from Shanghai to our city and lived here the rest of their lives. My husband ...

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