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Найдено 5 тем с этим ключевым словом
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Ask a man what "hygge" is. Most likely, he will shrug and say that this is some kind of Danish beer. Ask a woman and she will readily answer that it is knitted socks in Scandinavian style. Well, they are both right and wrong simultaneously. The concept of "hygge" includes fresh ...
Today I offer to make a nice gift with your own hands — a Christmas house. You need: jute twine cotton lace filler thick white thread glue scissors hook The Key: CH — chain (0) DC— double crochet (+) SC — single crochet (^) A house consists of two identical halves crocheted on this scheme:   ...
The philosophy of Hygge has gained much popularity this year. It captured people by the end of 2016 and started to bloom recently. I want to give you a few tips on how to feel this chic and at the same time simple Danish approach to happiness and joy from ordinary things. Hygge is a positive ...
After the release of The Little Book of Hygge.The Danish Way to Live Well by Meik Viking, all rushed to comprehend the mystery of this philosophy. Literally, 'Hygge' is translated from Danish as something like 'comfort which is created by a home hearth'. And the basic principles ...
What is hygge?The national philosophy of life, hygge, has been exsisting for three centuries by now. This means the priority of true values like the ability to enjoy simple everyday things, take care about your nearest and dearest. It is an art to create an aesthetic atmosphere in your living space. ...

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