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Needle bar

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I propose to make a needle box with a compartment for storing small things. In the video, I'll show you how easy it is to make a movable fabric hinge for the lid. Necessary materials and tools:* cardboard box;* cardboard (thick, thin);• wire;• fabric;• PVA glue ...
06.07.2019 17:09  |  
What is music for a person? We listen to music, create it. It evokes associations with certain moments of our lives... Music can affect our mood. It can help us cope with stress and depression, relieve nervous tension, relax. Music creates atmosphere, awakens people's feelings ...
  Today I invite you to sew a needle cushion and purse with me. I used a rectangular unsightly clasp, you can use the clasp of any shape — round, oval, rectangular, and fit both sewn and unsewn clasp.  For work you will need: thick cotton for outer part of a needle cushion; ...
The English say that there is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea. British craftswoman Hannah Boulter really loves tea. She loves it so much that she has turned this traditional drink into lovely handmade accessories. Under the brand Hannahdoodle, the ...

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