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Найдено 3 тем с этим ключевым словом
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Hair decoration is always an actual part to finish any look. Made in a matching color with an outfit, it emphasizes individuality and good taste.  Materials are available to each craftswoman. Ribbon handmade hair ornaments are beautiful and easy to make.  Hairstyle takes a special place in the ...
This lifehack will show you how to make a toggle clasp when you suddenly find out that you lack it in your home craft supplies and it's late to shop :) You need: - wire thickness 20 Ga (about 0.8 mm) - wire thickness 26 Ga (about 0.4 mm) - cutters - round-nose pliers - nail file - a ...
25.01.2018 14:20  |  
I often get emails with questions about the technology I use for sewing and embroidering my velvet handbags, and one of the most common questions is, 'I really want to make a handbag, but also really afraid of velvet and working with it.' Yes, rightly considered, velvet is one of the most ...

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