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Найдено 7 тем с этим ключевым словом
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When you hear "art", food isn't the first thing that comes to your mind, is it? The Japanese cook known as Mikyoui00 could argue. He and his family live in the Matsuyama city, it's a port city so they have easy access to super fresh fish.While teaching his son the basics ...
Known to all housewives, a rolling pin is more than 3 thousand years old. First, stones were used to roll the dough, then clay and wood. In the 21st century, a rolling pin can not only make a thin even layer of dough, but also small works of art. Of course, we will focus on carved rolling pins. ...
August is a light breath of autumn. The cozy time when the house smells of garden apples, jam and, of course, fresh pastries. Pies in August appear on the tables with an enviable frequency. Someone loves simple recipes, and someone refers to the preparation of pies as creativity. American housewife ...
Natalia Gladysheva is an incredibly talented artist and confectioner. It's hard to believe that her career began in June 2017, only two years ago! Natalia herself says that she does not even know how many thousands of gingerbreads she has baked during this time, but the number of dots on them ...
In my personal cuteness ranking felted toys definitely take one of the first places. But have you ever seen that adorable felted... food? :) Today I want to share with you the works of a Japanese artisan called mewfelt. The author admits that she has never thought about connecting her life with ...
Autumn is the time to bake pies! Apple, pear, berry, pumpkin pies with a thin shortcrust or puff pastry and, of course, with a great flavor. There is nothing cozier than home baking :) As a rule, the main issue in making a cake is its decoration. I love open pies with a sprinkling of powdered sugar, ...
You need: Dense chipboard - 2 sheets of A4 size Cotton fabric, 2 pieces 25x35 cm and a piece of cloth for curtains. Polyester 2 cuts of A4 size Felt Lace about 0.5 m Buttons, satin ribbon, thin lace Thick scrapbook paper + 1 sheet of cardboard White and brown embroidery floss and a needle 2 metal ...

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