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DIYs & Tutorials with furniture

7 publications with this material found
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Hello, friends! Today I propose to create a product from the category of luxury jewelry. All of you, for sure, have seen collages of products on the Internet, in social networks, under the heading "I Want vs. I Can", products that I want to buy, but they are not available financially VS ...
27.01.2020 15:10  |  
DIY Keychain "Snow Mountains" Step 1: Cut out the necessary shape from oak and use epoxy resin with dyes to create the effect of snow-capped mountains, allow it to harden. From plastic, we put the shape that the keychain should be according to the idea.   Step 2: Put the wooden ...
My name is Anna, and until recently, I has been an observer of the Livemaster creative life. Having gained courage and some experience, I decided that it was time to come out of the shadows! Therefore, I would like to meet and tell a little about myself. I has been drawing almost all my life (except ...
In this video tutorial, I will show you how to make a weaved suitcase from jute and cardboard with your own hands. For work, you will need the following materials: - cardboard; - jute; - hot glue; - metal accessories; - dense fabric and faux leather. I used jute as for the basket, decorated with ...
Today I would like to tell you how I decorated beer bottles. There are many tutorials on this topic on the Internet, they are all different and peculiar. I hope you like mine as well. I wanted to make an impression of old lace, peeling paint and little jewellery. That's what happened. To be ...
In this video I will show how to make a paper chest with your hands in detail. This time I twisted large tubes of magazine paper. I used two lengths of tubes, which is not wound at an angle. For such a chest I needed a little more than one magazine. Therefore, it is important to use paper of the ...
This time I will tell you how I made tree bark imitation. To do this, you will need a lot of papier-mache mass and acrylic paints. In addition, I used wood stain, but it is not required. It turned out just superb! It feels like the bark of a tree!

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