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Мастер-классы с материалом board

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When you have time, skills, tools or just a desire to make a gift with your own hands — do it! Two pieces of wood, two dinky boards lying around and our video guide. You can replace all tools in the video. For example, a band saw is replaced with a jigsaw or at least a hacksaw with fine teeth, the ...
To make such an organizer, you need: 1. Cans of different heights and diameter.  2. Bas on which you arrange them. 3. Scraps of fabric.  4. Fleece. 5. Scraps of ribbons, braid. 6. Glue. 7. Sewing machine. 8. Screws for number of cans and a screwdriver. Because cans have a thickening edge in the ...
Decided that I can not yet buy a background and need to make something simple and cute. And most importantly — quickly. My eight-year-old son helped me because he loves cutting and painting. So, take all that you can find: any board and paints. A bristle brush and a piece of sponge. First, saw and ...
I wanted once to make a vase in the shape of a deer head so that the deer had twigs instead of horns. The vase shape is quite difficult, especially when sculpting it by hand. I decided to try a pottery wheel. The muzzle itself is shaped like a pear. Pear — if you remove the upper rounding — reminds ...

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