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Мастер-классы с материалом embroidery

Найдено 8 публикаций с этим материалом
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Spectacles case with zipper Materials and tools: embroidery for the front of the spectacles case (you can just take beautiful fabric), fabric for the back of the case and lining (these fabrics can be different), thin flizelin (if you have dense fabric, this position is unnecessary), collar ...
To make this box, you will needed: 2 adhasive tape bobbins of the same diameter; embroidery; watercolor paints: blue, purple, pink, yellow, white, burgundy;  accessories; black acrylic primer; brush; glue.
Media mix is a mixture of styles, materials and different techniques. A little strange style, it is possible to refer to it everything that does not fit into other styles. It is loved by professional artists and amateurs. It is very simple and very complex at the same time. It is too different and ...
15.02.2019 17:39  |  
The pattern for it looks like this. (2 items of the left pattern, 4 items of the mid one, 4 items of the right one) Cut out 2 items of the beak and head, 4 items of the wings and legs. I had embroidery. Measure out a rectangle of fabric 70 cm wide and 37 cm long and a stripe 70 cm wide and 8-10 ...
In this tutorial, I'll tell you how to add an embroidered gingerbread house to a book pincushion which is useful for all needlewomen. Materials needed: Let's start with the embroidery. First it needs to be strengthened on the reverse side. To do this, cut interlining with an adhesive ...
12.10.2017 10:52  |  
I really like making embroidery, applique on hoops. I want to tell and show you the process of turning it into an interior pannel. It's pretty simple. Materials: - hoop - polyester batting - thick cardboard - the embroidery or applique Сut out a сardboard circle = the inner diameter of the ...
All craftsmen have their own secrets. Here's one I share with you. You need: - an embroidery, glued on fusible webbing - thick felt- plastic for the base- brooch pin - lace, cord or beads for decoration- thread, scissors, needle- glue gun So, we begin... Cut out the embroidery with an ...
Good day! I suggest you sewing a toy the idea of which was born after my tutorial for kids. So I come up with Levushka. This toy is ringing, rustling and entertaining for kids from 6 months or even earlier. The toy is sewn so that a child could not tear it off or eat. Traditionally, the body of a ...

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