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Terms & Conditions
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1. All content, placed on Livemaster, including literary works, design concepts and their parts, text, photographs, graphic images, software programs, scripts, sounds, videos and other results of intellectual activities (creative labor), act as items covered by the exclusive rights of the Administration, Users of Livemaster and other possessors of right, all rights to these items are protected by law, and must be appropriately protected by owners of the rights and Users.
2. All services of Livemaster and all necessary software, related to them and providing their functioning, contain confidential information, which is protected by laws on information, information technologies and on protection of information, on intellectual property and by others, including international agreements. Except for the Content of the Users, all Content on Livemaster is owned by the Administration or provided to it under license upon authorization of third parties.
3. No Content may be downloaded, imported, replicated, made available to the public, distributed, transferred, broadcasted, demonstrated or used in any other manner for any purposes entirely or partially, without preliminary notification of owner of the rights, except for cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation; this is with the exception of those cases, when the owner of the rights, explicitly expressed his consent to free use of the Content, protected by intellectual property law, by any person.
4. During downloading or placement (replication, making available to the public) of Content on Livemaster, the User:
- automatically provides a non-exclusive rights (necessary authorities) to other Users for the use of the Content through viewing, listening, replication, including copying and printing out of copies; provides other rights exclusively with the intent of personal non-commercial use, except to the extent that such use causes or can cause harm to the interests of the owner of the rights, which are protected by law;
- automatically provides free of charge non-exclusive and transferred rights to the Administration of Livemaster for the use of Content through replicating (including copying), recording, making available to the public, distribution and public performance, translation and other processing for the purposes of Livemaster, such as popularization of Livemaster, on territory of the world, during entire validity period of the exclusive rights. The Administration can initiate the creation of derivative works and/or insert Content of the User as component elements in other websites and other component works, perform other acts, serving for the achievement of indicated purposes.
5. The use of Content, to which the User has obtained access exclusively for personal non-commercial use, is allowed under condition of preservation of copyright notices, other notifications about authorship, preservation of the author's name intact, preservation of the work intact.
6. The User may not place on Livemaster, the Content of other websites and other objects of exclusive rights, in the absence of explicitly expressed consent, apart from the placement of his own Content.
7. Any use of Livemaster or Content, apart from that allowed in these Terms & Conditions, or in case of explicitly expressed consent of the author (owner of the rights) to such use, without preliminary written consent of owner of the rights, is prohibited. In case of receiving of motivated complaint about the violation of rights, protected by law, from the corresponding owner of rights, the Administration reserves the right to take measures against the violator, as stipulated in Section 6 of these Terms & Conditions.
8. In placing their Content on Livemaster, the User transfers to the Administration the right to copy their Content with the purpose of simplifying its replication (including storage) and making it available to the public. At the same time, the User bears personal liability for providing of safety and the creation of reserve copies of the Content, which the User places on Livemaster.
9. Rights, conferred by the User, in relation to their Content in accordance with paragraph 4, are terminated, if the User deletes their Content from Livemaster. Nevertheless, the Administration has the right to preserve archived copies of the Content of Users for an indefinite period of time.