Bathrobes are a kind of khalat, a long front-open outfit with sleeves and tied with a fabric belt. Originally, khalats were spread in Asian countries and India as everyday clothes and a honorific award when produced of embroidered rich material. Orientalist imitations gained popularity in the 18th century, they appeared as dressing and morning gowns in Europe, since then we know silk bathrobes. In the 19th century, men used to wear it as a home garment over a shirt and trousers — this way of wearing khalats is not common now and most frequently men's bathrobes are met.
There are two favourited models of men and women bathrobes today:
If you’re looking for something special for yourself or as a gift, order a customized monogrammed bathrobe. The decor actually may be absolutely different, embroidery is one of the most frequent options. Surely, such clothing would make life more convenient and serve as a cozy thing.