Мастер-классы по теме Harware Restoration

Recovering a Viennese Chair from Ashes
Recovering a Viennese Chair from Ashes – бесплатный мастер-класс

Recovering a Viennese Chair from Ashes

Recovering a Viennese Chair from Ashes
Dinara Vdohnovenie Lyubov Doverie
I have several stories from the life of the Viennese chairs... And each story is unique — though, sometimes it's easier to burn than to restore. This story has a happy end. Materials for restoration: 1.
Restoration at Home: New Life of an Old Table
Restoration at Home: New Life of an Old Table – бесплатный мастер-класс

Restoration at Home: New Life of an Old Table

Restoration at Home: New Life of an Old Table
Elena MagazinChik Pupenchik-Chik-Chik
The first time I decided to share my experience of old furniture restoration. I have accidentally got four items of old furniture in poor condition:…